Healthier Sleep Leads To A Healthier Mind And Body.
Breathing Well Is The Key And We Can Fix Most Airways Without CPAP And/Or Oral Appliance Therapy.
There are ways to cure people who have sleep apnea and for young people we have ways to detect the signs of those who may develop sleep apnea and prevent it from happening. Dr. Gallegos is specially trained in this area of airway/sleep breathing.
Oral Appliance Therapy.
With a carefully calibrated oral appliance to help position your jaw in the right location you can maintain an open airway throughout the entire night. This allows you to breathe like you do during the day, which will keep your blood oxygen levels in a healthy range and give you a healthier and more fulfilling sleep. Oral appliances are generally more tolerable than cpap systems as well, making it much easier to stick your therapy plan.
Simple, Healthy Treatment.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends oral appliances as a primary therapy for the treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea and for patients with severe sleep apnea who can't tolerate CPAP treatment. Sleep disorders are evaluated by our team, and with the help of a sleep physician, diagnosed and treated restoring your sleep to its full, therapeutic value.